This is a scematic diagram of MM40. For transmit two transistors are working. Relatively high power 2SC2053 employed in uts final stage. Receiver part is simple DC type with 2SK241 front-end. Another 2SK241 following is the product detector. LM386 boost audio to drive ear-phone. To your surprise, this transceiver does not have any TX/RX switching circuit. Huge thump and loud tone during transmit must be tried by user.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Meeting Mate 40, 7MHz CW QRP transceiver (3)
This is a scematic diagram of MM40. For transmit two transistors are working. Relatively high power 2SC2053 employed in uts final stage. Receiver part is simple DC type with 2SK241 front-end. Another 2SK241 following is the product detector. LM386 boost audio to drive ear-phone. To your surprise, this transceiver does not have any TX/RX switching circuit. Huge thump and loud tone during transmit must be tried by user.