Japanese Ham Fair 2010 will be held next weekend 21, 22nd August at Tokyo BIGSIGHT exhibition hall. Due to shrinking the scale year by year, it is not interesting place to find QRP gears and parts anymore. Though the exhibition hall is expensive place to retail small parts and exchange junks, stupidly JARL is choosing the place for the sake of their appearance. As a result, most of retail shops withdraw their booth, and many radio club had to sell junks to compensate their cost instead of present their radio related achievement. Kind of PC related rubbish are presented many booth and they throw away in the end of exhibition. Such horrible situation occurs actually. JARL prepared three kits, IC radio, LED flusher and morse trainer for children. Before doing this, policy must be changed. At least QRPers can find a reason to the place to meet other QRPers once a year. Beside this shabby exhibition, fruitful conversation of QRPers are valuable.