JA7CRJ Mr.Chiba is running kit company AITEC. AITEC is not major as MIZUHO, but they are providing very nice kit from discrete parts. This book 'Transceiver Building Introduction AM and SSB edition'is published in 1994 and it introduces a separate type AM transceiver and an integrated SSB transceiver. In this decade, the AITEC was selling SSB transceiver kit and QRP beginner learned the simple SSB generator CQ-1 employ active mixier SN16913 and 2SK439 with aluminum enclosure. Later this SSB transceiver have an evolution to TRX-601 kit with iron chassis then discontinued in 2002 due to obsolete filter. Still they are selling TRX-1 50MHz 100mW DSB transceiver and TRX-502
50MHz 300mW AM transceiver at retail shop.