This is the recent issue 'Handmade Transceivers Introduction' written by Mr.Imai JF1RNR. He had been an active writer in the CQ ham radio. Beautiful colored drawings to construct simple receiver and transceiver as the Manhattan style are followed by JA QRPers. In Section 1 fundamental issue are written. Section 2 introduces CW transmitters and receivers. Section 3 topics are advanced to DSB/SSB transceivers. Rigs you can reach in this book are follows, (Section 2) 50mW QRPp 7MHz TX, 500mW 7MHz CW TX, Simple 7MHz TRX, 50MHz 2tr CW TX, 50->7MHz crystal-convetar, 1.9MHz RX, 1.9MHz CW TX, 21MHz CW TRX (Akagi-standard), 144MHz CW transceiver,10MHz CW transceiver, 18MHz CW transceiver. (Section 3) 50MHz DSB transceiver, 144MHz DSB TRX, 14MHz SSB TRX, 7MHz transveter, 50MHz SSB/CW transceiver,28MHz DSB TRX, 7MHz 3W anplifier, 3.5MHz SSB TRX. Article will be introduced upon your request.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Japanese QRP books (6)
This is the recent issue 'Handmade Transceivers Introduction' written by Mr.Imai JF1RNR. He had been an active writer in the CQ ham radio. Beautiful colored drawings to construct simple receiver and transceiver as the Manhattan style are followed by JA QRPers. In Section 1 fundamental issue are written. Section 2 introduces CW transmitters and receivers. Section 3 topics are advanced to DSB/SSB transceivers. Rigs you can reach in this book are follows, (Section 2) 50mW QRPp 7MHz TX, 500mW 7MHz CW TX, Simple 7MHz TRX, 50MHz 2tr CW TX, 50->7MHz crystal-convetar, 1.9MHz RX, 1.9MHz CW TX, 21MHz CW TRX (Akagi-standard), 144MHz CW transceiver,10MHz CW transceiver, 18MHz CW transceiver. (Section 3) 50MHz DSB transceiver, 144MHz DSB TRX, 14MHz SSB TRX, 7MHz transveter, 50MHz SSB/CW transceiver,28MHz DSB TRX, 7MHz 3W anplifier, 3.5MHz SSB TRX. Article will be introduced upon your request.